Faculty of Color Issues Committee
The Faculty of Color Issues Committee addresses matters of concern for faculty of color, American Indian faculty, religious minority faculty, and immigrant faculty regarding racial justice, equity, and inclusion.
It is imperative that faculty challenge systemic oppression to empower marginalized members through innovative and intentional equity and inclusion initiatives. Faculty must be empowered to lead efforts to foster learning communities that respect the inherent worth of all students, faculty, and staff based on values of justice, inclusion, and equity.
We strive for equity within our union to build solidarity and ensure that our collective voice is an inclusive voice.
Below is the committee roster, FOCIC updates, and a comment box to share your thoughts with the committee.
Bemidji State University
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Alfredo Duplat is an Associate Professor of Spanish & Graduate Studies Coordinator.
Metro State University
Elena Izaksonas is an Associate Professor of Social Work.
Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Oscar Flores is a Professor of Economics.
St. Cloud State University
Anne Fischhaber is a faculty member in English.
Southwest Minnesota State University
Sang Jung is an Associate Professor of Economics.
Winona State University
Myoung Lee is a faculty member in Chemistry.
IFO will continue to be unwavering in defense of academic freedom and dedicated to initiatives to advance equity and inclusion.
IFO Equity caucuses were developed by faculty to support and organize faculty of color, women faculty, LGBTQ+ faculty, and faculty with disabilities.
We reached a substantive tentative agreement on important language to operationalize several delegate assembly resolutions to incentivize and value equity and inclusion work.
By ensuring that all stakeholders have the opportunity to participate, we increase the possibility of benefiting from the often ignored and excluded expertise, gifts, talents, and intellectual curiosity that are necessary pillars for learning institutions.
We maintain unwavering support for academic freedom for faculty and will defend the instructional expertise of faculty against any attempted censorship or restriction.
MSU-Moorhead administration announced the proposed termination of more than 30 tenured, probationary, fixed-term, and adjunct faculty across 18 disciplines.
Award honors and recognizes the outstanding contributions of an IFO member toward the advancement of equity and inclusion within the IFO.
The purpose of this group is to support and organize faculty of color faculty statewide, to mobilize our collective voices to improve the working conditions for faculty of color at MN State universities.
We appreciate your support, we appreciate your hard work, and we are proud you’re part of our union.
We strive for equity within our union to ensure solidarity, and that our collective voice is an inclusive voice.
It has been extremely gratifying for me to meet so many faculty and I have been inspired by our unity and the valuable work being done.
As faculty and members of university communities, we uphold the values of equity and inclusion and advocate for people of color and immigrant community members, who make our institutions and our union stronger.
On March 27th, 2019, the LGBTQ+ IFO Statewide Committee held the fourth LGBTQ+ Conference: “Digging In, Shoulder to Shoulder: Liberation is an Inside Job.”
The IFO believes that diversity of all kinds makes us eminently stronger. We remain committed to bettering our world for our Muslim brothers and sisters, and all marginalized peoples who are made to feel unsafe or unwelcome in our communities.
The IFO is hosting a leadership retreat for Minnesota State university faculty of color April 12-14 in St. Paul.
As these caucuses have formed, I’ve been excited to witness new leaders with new and needed perspectives emerging to join with longtime advocates for social justice.
We are now accepting abstracts for 20-minute papers, panel proposals, roundtable proposals, and workshops.