Application Open for IFO Faculty of Color Leadership Retreat

The IFO is hosting a leadership retreat for Minnesota State university faculty of color April 12-14 in St. Paul.  We envision an empowerment and team-building experience that will build IFO leadership capacity within our faculty of color. This will be an intensive retreat for which participants will be expected to be present for its entirety. 

If you self-identify as faculty of color and are interested in participating, please complete the application form by clicking here.

The retreat will start Friday afternoon, April 12 and end the night of April 13, though participants will be welcome to stay in the retreat facility until April 14. Though this is an initiative for faculty of color, it is not a Faculty of Color caucus meeting. All retreat and travel expenses for participants will be covered.

Retreat work will focus on organizational and union leadership training for faculty of color, with an emphasis on faculty of color empowerment. However, we also hope to create an engaged team of faculty of color who will provide support for one another’s work through community building and cross-mentorship.

Budgetary constraints and the size of our retreat facility limits participant numbers. If you self-identify as faculty of color and are available and interested in participating, please complete the application form. Early and mid-career faculty will receive selection priority, though faculty of color at any rank are welcome and encouraged to apply. The application deadline is March 21. Notifications will be made by March 29.

Please contact me at if you have any questions.