Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer + Issues Committee
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer + (LGBTQ+) Issues Committee is charged with addressing matters of concern to and the equitable treatment of LGBTQ+ faculty.
It is imperative that faculty challenge systemic oppression to empower marginalized members through innovative and intentional equity and inclusion initiatives. Faculty must be empowered to lead efforts to foster learning communities that respect the inherent worth of all students, faculty, and staff based on values of justice, inclusion, and equity. We strive for equity within our union to build solidarity, and ensure that our collective voice is an inclusive voice.
Below is the committee roster, LGBTQ+ Updates, and a comment box to share your thoughts with the committee.
Bemidji State University
Shannon Norman is an Associate Professor of Human Performance, Sport, and Health.
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Kerry Diekmann is a Professor of Counseling and Student Personnel.
Metro State University
Emily Bowman is an Assistant Professor of Sociology.
Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Rebecca Gardner is Professor in the School of Communication and Journalism.
St. Cloud State University
Katie Querna is an Assistant Professor in Social Work.
Southwest Minnesota State University
Julie Walker is a LGBTQ+ Center Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Communication Studies.
Winona State University
IFO Staff Liaison
Alanna Galloway
January 17 | 1-3 PM | Virtual Meeting
IFO Equity Caucuses meet throughout the academic year.
IFO will continue to be unwavering in defense of academic freedom and dedicated to initiatives to advance equity and inclusion.
IFO Equity caucuses were developed by faculty to support and organize faculty of color, women faculty, LGBTQ+ faculty, and faculty with disabilities.
We reached a substantive tentative agreement on important language to operationalize several delegate assembly resolutions to incentivize and value equity and inclusion work.
By ensuring that all stakeholders have the opportunity to participate, we increase the possibility of benefiting from the often ignored and excluded expertise, gifts, talents, and intellectual curiosity that are necessary pillars for learning institutions.
Welcome back to all returning faculty and welcome to all new faculty.
Join the group on January 28 at 7pm. Register here.
The IFO is pleased to convene a meeting of the Statewide LGBTQ+ Faculty Caucus on Friday, January 29th from 2-4 pm.