IFO Response to MinnState Spring Break Extension Announcement

Moments ago, the MinnState System Office announced drastic but appropriate measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The IFO is thankful the System coordinated with us and other stakeholders before taking these necessary steps to address the health and safety risks associated with face-to-face instruction and travel.
The announcement by the System will provide the time needed for faculty to work with each other, deans, and staff to develop appropriate contingency plans to complete Spring semester courses. The IFO had advocated to the Chancellor to extend spring break for students by one week to provide the necessary time for faculty to prepare, plan, develop alternative delivery, creative options, etc. in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our position is to allow for flexibility as faculty create ways to deliver their courses.
The administration has also implemented a travel ban for all international or domestic travel.  
The travel ban will include athletic travel. We have advocated to the System that campuses work with their coaches to ensure coaches are provided opportunities to perform coaching duties remotely.  
If you feel that your administration is not coordinating with you to implement an alternative strategy, please contact your faculty association. We will be working closely with your faculty associations to ensure the System provides the flexibility needed to address this unprecedented situation.
As always, the safety and students remain our top priority. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at advocacy@ifo.org.
For more information about COVID-19 and higher education please visit the website set up by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) at https://www.aaup.org/coronavirus-information-higher-ed.
In solidarity,
Brent Jeffers