Intro to Contingent Appointments Committee Organizer

My name is Ry Marcattilio-McCracken. I joined the Social Science Department at SMSU as an adjunct in History in the spring of 2015. For the past four years I have taught six credits of Modern America at SMSU in addition to around thirty credits online for Oklahoma State University. In my time at SMSU I have served on our local Faculty Association executive committee, the statewide Contingent Appointments Committee, attended the Delegate Assembly last spring, and am on the IFO Board. I have come to have a deep appreciation for the work of the union and those faculty across the state who have given of their time and energy to its governance and organizing efforts. 
In recognition of its status as one of the statewide IFO committees comprised of members from all seven campuses, the Contingent Appointments Committee has hired me for the spring term to accomplish three interdependent tasks: Firstly, to serve as a resource to the local organizing action teams to coordinate and collate engagement and recruitment data system-wide; Secondly, to work with the IFO to identify how and in what ways we can better represent and serve our membership; And, thirdly, to focus efforts especially on contingent faculty (fixed-term, adjunct, and community faculty) across the state so that our union better reflects our constituency and its needs. 
If you are a contingent faculty member with a question, concern, or just a desire to drop a line and say hi, I'd love to hear from you. My contact info is at the end of this email. Email, text, or call anytime.

If you are the head or a member of your local action team, I'll be introducing myself individually to you via email shortly. I'm excited to hear how things are going at each of your campuses.

Together, we can make the IFO stronger, better, and faster. Kind of like the Six Million Dollar Man, but without all the suffocating patriarchal metaphors.