Librarians/Media Faculty Caucus Meeting Scheduled for May 10

The IFO is pleased to convene a meeting of a Librarians/Media Faculty Caucus on Thursday, May 10, 12:30 p.m., at the IFO Office in St. Paul located at 490 Concordia Avenue, Suite 125, Saint Paul, MN 55103 (map). 

All librarians or media faculty at a Minnesota State university are welcome and encouraged to attend. The purpose of this group is to support and organize librarians and media faculty statewide. The meeting will include sharing experiences and developing a collective vision for the group. One intended outcome of the caucus is to better inform the IFO about issues facing library and media faculty, with the ultimate goal to improve working conditions.

Please click here to RSVP for the Librarians/Media Faculty Caucus. 

Lunch will be provided. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by end of day Monday, May 7 to ensure that we order enough food. Mileage will be reimbursed for IFO members. If you are not currently an IFO member and would like to become one, please sign up here
If you have additional questions please contact Alec Sonsteby, Metro State Associate Professor.