Happy Raise Day!

Happy Raise Day! Today, faculty will receive their first paycheck that includes a 2.4% pay raise. This increase was fought for and won by the IFO negotiations team. This increase is on top of the 1.6% pay increase last year.
In addition to the salary increases, the negotiations team also secured other important victories going into effect in 2018-2019. These include:

  • Accelerated Career Steps: faculty will receive a two-step career bump in their 18th year of service instead of 21st year and again in their 26th year of service instead of their 31st year.   

  • Professional Development:

    • $120,000 increase for 19A Professional Improvement Funds (PIF);

    • $70 increase per FTE for 19B Professional Study and Travel Funds (PST). The increase brings the total per faculty from $1380 to $1450;

    • $59,500 to create a professional development fund for faculty with adjunct appointments at six State universities (not including Metro State);

    • $20,000 increase in the Metro State Community Faculty professional development fund.

Please click here for additional info on the 2017-2019 IFO contract.
The strength of our union and our ability to secure these victories comes from our members. Your union is strong because so many of you have joined and engaged in the work we do. We cannot thank our members enough for their support. If you’re not a member and wish to support our work on behalf of all faculty, please click here.
As always, please contact me with any questions.