IFO Did You Know -- IFO Advocates for Faculty with Disabilities

The Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) contract provides faculty with favorable working conditions, and the IFO’s advocacy work has led to valuable protections, support, and enhancements for our members and their families. So many, in fact, that sometimes it’s hard to follow everything you have available to you as a faculty member represented by the IFO.

In a series that will run throughout the year, we will explain briefly some of the benefits provided to you and resources to find more information.

Did you know the IFO advocates for faculty with disabilities?

The IFO Disabilities Advocacy Committee (DAC) was created to address issues faced by faculty with disabilities. The committee provides information and advocacy for faculty, especially with regard to the process of seeking reasonable accommodation. MinnState Reasonable Accommodation Procedure 1B.0.1 states, reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a job or employment practice or the work environment that enables a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of the job as identified at the time of the reasonable accommodation request and to access equal employment opportunities.”

Did you know you can request reasonable accommodation without submitting any forms?

When faculty seek reasonable accommodation for their disability, they often are given a form and medical release to complete. Under the Enforcement Guidance of federal law, an employer may require only the information needed to establish that a person has a disability and that the disability necessitates a reasonable accommodation. Employers cannot request documentation beyond what is necessary for this purpose. If you need a reasonable accommodation, contact the IFO disability advocate on your campus to assist you in preparing your request.

If you have any questions or concerns about the treatment of faculty with disabilities or their needs for reasonable accommodation, please visit the DAC web page and contact your campus disabilities advocate for confidential consultation and assistance. 

Your support of IFO makes it possible to provide the advocacy needed for faculty facing challenges in the workplace. If you are not a member and are ready to join your colleagues, please click here. If you are unsure about your current membership status please click here.