Women’s Caucus

This caucus was developed by faculty to support and organize female faculty statewide, to mobilize our collective voices to improve the working conditions for female faculty at MN State universities, and to encourage higher participation in union membership and in union leadership by female faculty in the IFO.  

It is imperative that faculty challenge systemic oppression to empower marginalized members through innovative and intentional equity and inclusion initiatives. Faculty must be empowered to lead efforts to foster learning communities that respect the inherent worth of all students, faculty, and staff based on values of justice, inclusion, and equity. We strive for equity within our union to build solidarity, and ensure that our collective voice is an inclusive voice.

If you self-identify as female faculty member at a Minnesota State university, you are welcome and encouraged to attend.  

Meetings include sharing our experiences, developing a collective vision for the group, and business items including electing/appointing leadership and FIC representatives.

Please use the form below to send a comment to the Women’s Caucus.