2017 Legislative Update

The 2017 Legislative Special Session concluded at 4 a.m. this morning when the Senate passed the final budget bill to be sent to the governor. With a GOP majority in both the House and Senate and DFL Governor Mark Dayton, the negotiations remained contentious up to the final hour of a 75-hour Special Session.

Thank you to all faculty who took the time to write an email, visit the Capitol, reach out to a legislator, talk with your colleagues about our work, and anything else you did to help advance the issues and concerns of faculty around the state. We were able to make a considerable difference in the final outcome of the state’s biennial budget. Our efforts are only as effective as our members are active.

Below is a general summary of the outcome of various items the IFO worked on this legislative session. If you have any questions and wish to learn more detail about a specific item please feel free to reach out to me and I will add more context or information for you.